Financing With Truckworx

Whether you are financing the entire cost of your truck and trailer or only a portion, Truckworx offers terms structured to meet your needs. Talk to one of our knowledgeable finance experts to determine what is right for you. Some loan types include:

FIXED RATE LOANS: Fixed rate loans feature a locked interest rate with the same, predictable payments over the life of the loan.

LINE OF CREDIT: Pre-approved dollar amount with ability to draw down for vehicle/equipment purchases as needed (converts to term loan)

TRAC LEASE: Our popular Terminal Rental Adjustment Clause (TRAC) lease allows you and Truckworx to agree upon an estimated residual value of the equipment at the end of the lease.

MODIFIED TRAC LEASE: A Modified TRAC Lease operates similar to a TRAC lease, but “off-balance sheet” treatment may be available as a result of the lendors’ participation in the residual risk.

FAIR MARKET VALUE: Fair Market Value (FMV) or “walk-away” leases feature a fixed monthly payment and significant cash flow advantages. At the end of the lease, purchase the vehicle for its current fair market value, or simply return the truck (subject to certain return conditions and mileage restrictions). Tax advantages may also apply.

What is right for you?

LoanLine of CreditTRACModified
Own Equipment at end of loan/lease term
Off-balance sheet financing
No concern over equipment disposal
(must meet return requirements)
Payments typically tax deductible
Depreciation tax benefits claimed by customer
Fixed rates available
Variable rates available
Irregular payments available
(skip, seasonal, token, balloon)
Longer Terms
Cash rebates
Unique warranty offerings